Summer 2024 Creativity in Every Classroom [2hr CEU]

Explore powerful theories of creativity and learn practical ways to revolutionize your teaching.

Course Description

One characteristic of general creativity is the ability to grasp multiple perspectives and see a torrent of solutions to a single problem. However, the current pressure that is placed on school districts to perform well on standardized tests can inadvertently place higher value on the students’ ability to find the one right answer - and when in doubt - to guess “c.” By fostering divergent thinking in the classroom, we lay the foundation to invigorate a student’s approach to learning. True innovation is being able to draw from the principles of multiple areas of knowledge and apply them as a solution to a problem that is unexpected.

In this workshop, we will lay the groundwork for teaching divergent thinking with an exploration of the theories of creativity and their relevance in the classroom. The immediate practical application of the material leads to a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of divergent teaching methods and the translation of teaching creativity in the classroom.

This course is part of the NUMINDS INSPIRATOR CREDENTIAL (1 of 3 courses), as well as:
*Creativity Badge, Level One
*Part of the STEAM Specialist Pathway

What are the requirements?

No formal prerequisites

What am I going to get from this course?

From theory to practical application, this courses takes apart the misconceptions of creativity--providing you with guidance on establishing a creative classroom.

Who is this course for?

Teachers who want to infuse their curriculum with applicable creativity-inducing lessons and approaches.

Learning Journey

About the Instructors

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NuMinds Enrichment
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Justin Vawter

Justin Vawter lives on the fringe of education, a creative spark working tirelessly to redefine the educational narrative and make the learning experience meaningful for both teachers and students.

Justin firmly believes that with responsive curriculum, inspired classroom instruction, and expanded identification, we can close the equity gap and bring advanced learning to the forefront of educational services.

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Ben Koch
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Dorian Dayton

Program Specialist at Numinds Enrichment

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Marissa Randolph

Experience Manager

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