The Power of Mindset [2hr CEU]

Experience strategies that help nurture resilience in all learners

Course Description

In her groundbreaking research, psychologist Carol Dweck set out to answer a very basic question: Why do some people “stick with it” when things get tough, while others give up? Her conclusions regarding fixed vs. growth mindset sent ripples through the parenting and educational world and spurred the popularity of many other key concepts, including “grit” and “failing forward.”

In this workshop we examine the ramifications of mindset theory on curriculum, instruction, and classroom management. We provide exercises designed to reinforce these principles while discussing how our mindsets affect our students’ capacity to engage and learn.

This course is part of the NUMINDS INSPIRATOR CREDENTIAL (1 of 3 courses), as well as:
*Mindset Badge, Level One
*Part of the STEAM Specialist Pathway

What are the requirements?

No formal prerequisites

What am I going to get from this course?

In this course, we'll introduce the concept and research behind Growth Mindset, then deliver classroom strategies that have been tested and refined by the course instructors, shown to help students take control of their actions and face challenges with a sense of enthusiasm.

Who is this course for?

Teachers who want their students to feel a sense of success and empowerment.

Learning Journey

About the Instructors

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NuMinds Enrichment
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Justin Vawter

Justin Vawter lives on the fringe of education, a creative spark working tirelessly to redefine the educational narrative and make the learning experience meaningful for both teachers and students.

Justin firmly believes that with responsive curriculum, inspired classroom instruction, and expanded identification, we can close the equity gap and bring advanced learning to the forefront of educational services.

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Ben Koch
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Marissa Randolph

Experience Manager

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